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It will be the same as before if election is held without reforms: Gonoforum

After meeting Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus at the State Guest House Jamuna today, Gonoforum said the situation will be the same as before if the election is held without completing reform works.
Gonoforum also called upon the chief Adviser to hold the next national election very soon after reconstituting the Election Commission and completing the ongoing reform works.
Led by the party’s emeritus president Dr Kamal Hossain, a nine-member delegation of the party held the dialogue with the chief adviser at the State Guest House Jamuna.
“We want the election very soon. But we didn’t give any specific date,” Mostafa Mohsin Montu, chairman of the coordinating team of Gonoforum, told reporters after emerging from the meeting.
Montu said, “Before the election, we act as Ram, and we become Ravan after the election.”
The Gonoforum leader said a new election commission will have to be formed to hold the next election in a free, fair and neutral manner.
“For this, a search committee or whatever necessary should be carried out for appointing competent people in the election commission,” Montu added.
Several other political parties are also scheduled to sit with the chief adviser later in the day.
Different issues like political and state reform and next election may come in their discussion.
Leaders of BNP, Jamaat, Islami Andolan Bangladesh, six parties each from the Ganatantra Mancha and Baam Gonotantrik Morcha alliances held dialogues with Prof Yunus at Jamuna on October 5.
